Thursday, August 30, 2007

So Done with That

I must find quiet time to be with the Lord. I am experiencing a crisis in behaviour. I have always been the one in the family to bend and bow and scrape and even if it is through clenched teeth I always inquire for your health and happiness. Well I'm so done with that. I am sick to death of people who obsess over their hurt feelings. When it is not outwardly obvious that they have been snubbed or overlooked or whatever they think makes their little soap opera click for them, they make something up and tell the world. They get those sympathetic murmurings and their hands get held and they have the spotlight forever. They get people angry with the offenders and spend their time fueling the fires. I AM DONE WITH BEING THE GOAT!!!!!! Now I have to find time to work on being done in a strong and silent way. The Lord loves us all, I have to do that too. Pray for me while I pray for them and me too.

1 comment:

Joyful Days said...

Cyber-hugs & prayers. (())

Bless you for your kind words.
