Tuesday, August 07, 2007

H-H-H Hazy Hot Humid

Strange weather, hot, humid, hazy, major thunderboomers and lightening followed by downpour then instead of the usual cool air....more hot, humid hazy and so on and so on. Dampness and heat pervade. The house feels like everything is made out of those blotters that banks used to give out. You know the kind, dip them in water and they turn into a sponge. Well we are now sponges. Nothing feels right and oooooh everything has that smell. The wet dog smell is everywhere even where there are no dogs.

Back to the city with me today and the heat is hotter, the humidity is higher and the haze?..she is hazier. People with curly hair have it curled like corkscrews and those of us trying to poof up the straight as stick stuff? Fuhgedaboudit.

Have a lovely day wherever you are and stay cool!

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