Thursday, September 01, 2005

here we go

Still anxious but this time I don't have too much sleep to blame. My dreams were busy last night but elusive this am. I wonder why some are so easy to recall and others are lost in the fog of day time. Do some mean more than others or are they all just rehashes of your day to day struggles and worries packaged differently so that they don't wake you up screaming?

When I first woke up I turned on the radio which is always tuned to a Christian station that I love. I heard about how to deal with angry and volatile people. This caught my attention since part of my day to day worries is an angry volatile unpredictable person who would probably like to hurt me bad. Well, it seems that if I am a child of God, and I am, I can never be hurt since God bundles me up and protects me. Later it developed that I might be physically hurt and emotionally bruised and battered but I am safe with God for eternity since no one can hurt my everlasting soul. Well, that's comforting when lying in bed, snug and safe, but when confronted with psychopathic rage or sneaky snarly stuff --- I'm still scared. Not that it isn't a comfort to know that in eternity I'm ok..........I would really like lightening bolts and avenging angels dispatched immediately....I know it can happen.

Oh well, most of my fear is in my mind anyway. I just let myself get carried away. Back to the moment. Concentrate on being bundled up and under the wings of God and on with the day.

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