Wednesday, June 27, 2007


All right, I have been working and working and not learning any new things and I have set me some goals for sure. I want to learn all there is to learn about EBAY and selling stuff. Help me out here. What do I have to do, where do I go to learn all of the super selling skills to unload me of tons of tons of stuff.

Also I have to read my Bible more diligently. I listen to everyone who talks about the Bible. Woodrow Kroll(sp?) and John MacArthur and Robby Zacharias and David whatsisname....oh I could go on -- and on -- and I might but I won't...I listen all the time early morning and late in the night. The Bible answer man is another and Focus on the Family and yadadayada. BUT I must do my own reading of the Word. I love it and need to do it. I must get disciplined.

I also must strectch and strengthen my body.... I am old Father whatever your name is and I need to work on

Since leaving off there and now I have been suffering with such severe neck pain that in order to get the head looking to the left, the whole body must move there. I am typing now to clean this post up but it hurts to do this so BYE......

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