Saturday, March 31, 2007

Another Day

Another day another day. Didn't earn that dollar yesterday and probably won't today. It's Saturday and I recall my mother saying years ago that she didn't work on Saturdays. Of course, she didn't work outside of the home so everyday was a work day for her. She did vacuum however on Saturdays if any of her young had partied on Friday and thought they could sleep in. Her favorite thing to do was to vacuum under the bed you happened to be sleeping in and if that didn't do the trick she would empty ashtrays, yes, everyone smoked, into those metal wastebaskets making sure to rap the sides often and hard. She had to gather those ashtrays from who knows where because no one smoked in the bedrooms. Or maybe we did...I only remember smoking in the bathroom as I put on my makeup to go out. Now not only do I not smoke, I don't wear makeup and as far as going out....well I go outside but not out as we used to refer to out. Ah yes. Another day indeed

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