And now the news for the day!!!!
I had a dream last night about civil rights and minorities, yes that's right. How can I waste all that dream time on something like that as opposed to being queen of the universe and indulging in expensive pastimes that will never be available except during that dream time? And yet, that is what happened. I was in some kind of focus group and we were being presented with the Homosexuals are a minority group and their quest for equality is on the same level as the civil rights efforts in the 60's. I must have had the radio on and the discussion pushed it's way into my dream so that I would not wake up. I was awakened at some point and the radio was not on nor do I recall putting it on at any time so that reasoning is not very powerful. Any how back to the point at hand. The argument that homosexuals are a minority group began and I was very hung up on the fact that they were not recognizable until he or she put on extreme mannerisms which would identify them as a feminine man or a masculine female. What of the homosexual man who was manly or the lesbian female who was feminine? After all, in a couple aren't there usually a male and female or whatever the combination should be called? I don't know enough about this but in this case aren't we saying that the minority position has to be self declared as opposed to immediately evident? Am I into the don't ask don't tell and if so don't you have to tell and tell and tell everyone everywhere all the time and isn't that exhausting? If there are no distinctions unless you tell then how can you claim discrimination? I just wonder.
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