Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Two Heads and all

Now here's a good morning. First of all my husband called and the electric bill at our other house, the one I will move to eventually, has dropped.Yes. Dropped. Nothing in this world ever costs less but our electric bill came in under the bar set by the month before. YAY!!!

Even more good news. As my cardiologist says (I love saying that, my cardiologist. It makes me feel so New York for some reason. Don't get me wrong. I wouldn't be New York for anything but there is a certain sophistication about it that I feel I lack. Having my own cardiologist makes me more sophisticated albeit a sophisticate in need of a cardiologist might lack some.....but I digress) As my cardiologist says, my weight loss program is moving along at glacial speed. For the past two weeks I have lost a few tenths of a pound. Yes, my scale shows tenths of a pound. I had to have's the only way I can feel successful as I move towards my goal. My total recorded loss is 1 and 1/10th of a pound. Laugh if you will. I am delirious.

After my rude awakening I never thought I would have two good things in a row before breakfast. I woke up in the middle of a dream.. Let me tell you about it. Blah blah blah followed by a planter with sleeping kittens. The blah part of the dream is not the part to talk about but the kittens. There were two bunches of them and I reached into the planter to pick them up one at a time. The first was clingy with claws digging in everywhere and an odd look that made me think he or she would attempt to climb up my face and hold on. I put that one down. The next was a gray tiger with orange on his or her back..I picked it up and was startled at how heavy it was. You know how you expect kittens to be air balls, well this one was a lead bottom. I put it down and reached for the other. Imagine my surprise to see a tail in the middle of it's back. There it was shaped like a comma, short and curved, right in the middle of its back. As I picked it up higher and put my hand under what I though was its hind end I spotted the other head. Yes. A two headed cat with a tail in the middle of its back. What's that about???? Let me tell you how fast I woke up....very.

If you know what that could mean let me know, unless of course it's not a good thing.

Have a lovely Wednesday.......................

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