This posting thing is getting to be a habit. Reading all the blogs and websites that I do became a habit several years ago and now ... this. Well, as a kid, I always kept a diary where all of my inner thoughts were stored...I fussed more about where that diary should be kept than I ever fussed about anything. I wore the book out by moving it from hiding place to hiding place. I mean, what if my mother or brothers found it and read it out loud at the dinner table ? I would drop down dead in my seat of embarrassment if they discovered that I LOVED Billy Smith. My mother would never recover if she found out that I thought Donna Mitchell's family was picture perfect and never wrote a word about her that suggested she was the measuring stick for perfect.
There, see? one more suggestion in the Ladies' magazines that is not correct. Keep a journal they say. It allows you to get all the day's events out and by so doing you are relieved of pressure. Riiiiggghht! Now find a way that no one will ever get that journal and find out who you really are...Yikes. Especially my family who loved to turn over rocks and find a weak spot and poke and prod and sneer and ...well maybe they weren't quite that bad but you understand that when one is 11 and chubby and rather reserved, the last thing that kid needs is a circle of pointers and laughers. Thus, the worry all day at school wondering if my mother would discover my new hiding place and the panic when, upon returning from school, I couldn't find the damned thing. It was never because someone had moved it. It was because I couldn't remember where the hiding place of the day was.
Point being -- this is my new journal hiding in plain sight. I have to share where and who and I won't. Safe at last.....maybe...
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