Saturday, January 24, 2009

My Theory is True

To start my week-end, I just read an article in the Chicago Boyz blog that is headlined "California's Tipping Point". Basically it echoes one of my favorite over the top rants. When the public sector is more heavily populated than the private sector, slavery has returned. The plantation managers are the public servants and the slaves are the tax payers in the private sector. Oh sure, the public sector pays taxes too but let's face it, they have a great return on those taxes, pensions, health care, salary increases on a regular basis. We have suffered that here in Massachusetts for years and years and years.....need more money in the budget to meet those demands for health care increases and you would never think of reducing the benefits or asking for any employee participation.....easy! Crack the whip and get those tax paying slaves to give more. Oh and they have to give with a grateful attitude. They must be happy and never speak out. They won't because now with Kelo, the plantation managers can seize their property and put them out for auction.

Those welfare, long term unemployed? They are the house pets of the plantation owners, the house slaves if you will. They are a large enough force to keep the plantation managers on their job and keep those tax paying field slaves also known as private sector employees moving and shaking.

You think I'm crazy???? How much of that 850 trillion did you vote to spend? Yeah. I thought so.


mw said...

It's hard to argue with any of your points - certainly if you work for the government, it's going to be awfully hard to vote to reduce the size of government, and in Minnesota. I'm guessing it's just going to keep growing...

Good post - thanks - here from Netchick

mw said...

Oops, you can get rid of that ",and in Minnesota" mistype in my comment above. My fingers are frozen... well, that or my brain

Joyful Days said...

Amen to that!