Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Put up or Shut up

I just read about Saddam's trial in Iran and it seems the judge has suspended it for a week and has given the defense one last chance to get their act together. My favorite part is where he warns them to STOP making allegations without substantiation. I wish that he would talk to the press and certain politicians in this country.......I am worn out with all the nonsense in the news and those puffed up faces in front of the cameras and microphones and NO I am not talking about GW or any of his administration. I am talking about the Kerry's and the Kennedys and the McKinney's and the etc etc and so forths....oh yeah the Schumers and the Reids and those others of their ilk who --- oh hell, you know the drill. We used to say in the old days, "Put up or shut up." I wish they would.....put up truth.

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