Sunday, February 06, 2011

Things That Fill My Days

I have been away for a while I see.  Sold the house.  Moved the furniture and garage stuff.  Shoveled snow.  Walked the dog on the iciest roads of all time.  Lived through yet another week of construction here in the house we will have moved to.  This construction has been ongoing since November.  Here's where it began and how it looked then

And then later

And now, the outside is done and we are doing inside things

And so I have been occupied with stuff.  I miss it here though and I will be earnestly striving to be more regular with the updates.  Thanks for hanging in.  Happy SuperBowl - Go Packers!

1 comment:

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Being ovvupied with all that this's no wonder you have been 'in absentia'....I hope the rest goes WELL---That is a Very Big Job!!!!