Thursday, February 08, 2007

A New Approach to Scientific Fact

Work, work, work. What else could be occupying one's time during the deep freeze nasty month of February? Well at least my time is occupied (mostly). This is the time of year that I feel like a mole. Up at the crack of dark, work without ceasing, too cold to walk at lunch time as long as I need to or want to, home in the dark and shut the door. It's like being in a sensory deprivation chamber. Then when the drive time is on I listen to talk radio and help me Hannah with the Global Warming nonsense. The Sky is Falling, FALLING I say. It's wonderful how the definition of science has changed. No longer do facts need to be determined, tested and proved out. No. Now all you need is the mainstream press to say over and over and over the same blinking thing. You need high profile people to speak "truth" to the microphone. You need to hear whining nonsense about the fascists in power suppressing the "truth". You need dissenters fired and punished. Keep going and going and going........If we say it over and over and over enough and enough people start to say the same thing -- BINGO proven scientific fact is born.

God Help Us. He will but His time is His time.


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