Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Turkey Hunt

I have been looking and looking for Thanksgiving things.  First we were going out to eat, my nephew, my husband and me.  Then we are staying home and hosting 10 for dinner.  That is not bad since usually the fam is in the almost 20 range.  I love holidays and think the most fun is the stupid stuff that you set the table with, at Christmas you have the chocolate Santas and such so natch, I am looking for the chocolate turkeys we always had in years gone by.   It has been a search and a half people!  There is nothing out there that sings Happy Thanksgiving.  Happy Harvest is the closest I have come.  Are Pilgrims offensive?  Do Turkeys offend as well?  When did this happen?

Any how....I have been on a mission and I must report that today........TA DA  we have met the challenge and surpassed my expectations.  The Turkey hunt has been successful -- extremely expensive but ....when success is the only option... who gives a rat.  I give to you the turkey hunt.  Gobble Gobble!

Quite a flock.  No?  Happy Turkey Day.

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