I am still overwhelmed with all the news, none of which is fit to print. I am beginning to lose confidence in the justice system. Oh. I know. There always has been doubt that we are treated equally under the law but never has it been so obvious that who you know and who you are is more important than what you did. I heard an ad for a job the other day. It was a radio ad for a job in the public sector of course. That seems to be the only area hiring these days. It finished with a long list of who they don't discriminate against which left me wondering if any group not included on the list is fair game. Evidently it is ok to discriminate against certain groups since if it weren't then the ad would have closed with the statement that they don't discriminate against anyone. Am I wrong on that?
More searching and pondering to follow. Meanwhile, a picture to clear my palate.
When I can get to this in a short walk......life gets better. God is on His throne and all is well.
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