Monday, September 04, 2017

My Favorite New Movie

Saw this movie over the summer with my stepson and step grandson and my husband and I LOVED it.  Each for different reasons of course.  That's what makes the world spin as they say.   He loved the car chases, I loved Baby.  He is so adorable and if I were younger, much, well I would be heading out to where ever he might be living and .....  yeah.   So.  If I were you I would go see this sucker.  Man, oh man.  Now you know how old I am.  Man, oh man.  Right?  Well.  The music is terrific.  The kid is unbeatable and Kevin Spacey as always owns it.  Go.  Now!  see it

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Helpful Fitness Tip

Best fitness tip I've seen in a long long time

Saturday, June 17, 2017

We love our Charlie Baker

This is what I'll be doing this week and loving it

Want to come?

See you there maybe

Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Something I love

I love this where can I get one?